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Textfield Element

Group membership: Controls

Adds a text field or area to the window. The difference between a field and an area is that the area is multiline. Therefore it is more adapted to long runs of text.


Name Type Required Description
columns CDATA No

Determine the size of the field, in columns.

id ID No

Identifies the name by which this control will be referenced by other parts of the JGB XML file or Java code.

refaction IDREF No

More information forthcoming

reflabel IDREF No

Identifies a control that prompts this one.

rows CDATA No

Declare that this text field will instead be a text area, unless the rows attribute equals integer 1.

This attribute must either be absent, or contain a value that is greater than or equal to 1.

text CDATA No

Specify the default text that will appear in the field when the window opens.

Example usage

<!-- Add a label to the screen which is to be the label of a text field -->
<label id="nameLabel" text="Name:" mnemonic="n"/>
<textfield id="nameField" columns="80" reflabel="nameLabel"/>

Parent element(s)

controls, control, panel, tab.

Child element(s)

methodCall, property, register.
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