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Combo Element

Group membership: Controls

Allows selection of a single value in a list of values without using too much screen real estate.

The list of values is hard-coded in the element's declaration using the choices element.


Name Type Required Description
choices CDATA No

Lists the choices that are available to the user.

The choices should be written on a single line, with a comma (,) between each choice.

The selected attribute determines which item should be selected by default.

id ID No

Identifies the name by which this control will be referenced by other parts of the JGB XML file or Java code.

reflabel IDREF No

Identifies a control that prompts this one.

selected CDATA No

Identifies which item, if any, should be selected by default when the window opens.

The value of this attribute must be one of the items listed in the choices attribute.

Example usage

<label id="carColorLabel" text="Color:" mnemonic="c"/>
<combo id="carColor" choices="Blue,Red,Green,Gray,Black" reflabel="carColorLabel"/>

Parent element(s)

controls, control, panel, tab.

Child element(s)

methodCall, property, register.
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