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Ref Element

Group membership: Property & method calls

References an existing object from the builder's context. It is possible to view ID attributes as meaning variable names. In this case, ref acts as the right-hand side of expressions. Instantiation would then be the left-hand side of expressions.

The references' value is dropped onto the builder's stack, ready for consumption by a parent methodCall, return or property.


Name Type Required Description
refid IDREF Yes

Must resolve to an ID attribute that was previously declared in the current JGB XML file.

Example usage

<!-- Declare an object that we will access later -->
<object id="someObject" class="…">


<!-- Reference the object that was previously instantiated -->
<property name="aProperty">
    <ref refid="someObject"/>

Parent element(s)

constraints, parameter, property, sheet.

Child element(s)

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