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Property Element

Group membership: Property & method calls

property elements are used to set bean properties. The property name will be used to find a corresponding method on the referenced object. The corresponding method name will be found by concatenating "set" and the value of the name attribute, with the first character of the name attribute's value uppercased.

No return values are expected from this method, but it is not an error to call a method which returns a value. It will simply be ignored.


Name Type Required Description
name CDATA Yes

The name of the property to access. The name of the property must map to a method named "set Name", which means "set" concatenated to the value of the name attribute, with the first character of the name attribute value uppercased.

See the property example for more details.

refid IDREF No

The name of an object which will be the target of the property modification. If this attribute is absent, the property change will occur on the enclosing object.

Example usage

<window id="msgWindow" type="jframe">
    <!-- Set the background color of the window to another color -->
    <property name="backgroundColor">

Parent element(s)

button, check, combo, controls, control, item, label, layout, menuBar, menu, object, panel, popupmenu, radio, separator, sheet, tab, textfield, window.

Child element(s)

constant, null, ref, return, value.
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