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Button Element

Group membership: Controls

Adds a standard push button the window.


Name Type Required Description
id ID No

Identifies the name by which this control will be referenced by other parts of the JGB XML file or Java code.

mnemonic CDATA No

Identifies the character that will be used as this control's mnemonic.

refaction IDREF No

More information forthcoming

reflabel IDREF No

Identifies a control that prompts this one.

text CDATA No

Specifies the text that will appear on the control.

Do not add an underline (_) or ampersand (&) to the text attribute to identify the mnemonic. Use this element's mnemonic attribute for that purpose.

Example usage

<-- Add an Ok button to the window. -->
<button id="okButton" text="Ok" mnemonic="o"/>

Parent element(s)

controls, control, panel, tab.

Child element(s)

methodCall, property, register.
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