Java Gui Builder
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Java Gui Builder 0.6.5a released
This release is now under the LGPL instead of the GPL. Also, tabbed pane support was added. Enjoy ! (0 comments)
Posted by
Mon, 30 Jun 2003 01:47:41 GMT
Java Gui Builder Clover coverage reached 95+% today
Well, this is good news ! The project's unit tests now cover over 95% of the implementation code. There are still a few rough spots to go over, but once these are done, it is estimated over 98% of the code will be covered.

Expect a new Java Gui Builder release very soon ! (0 comments)
Posted by
Sun, 29 Jun 2003 05:10:27 GMT
Clover coverage now at 90%+
With a bit more work, current Clover coverage is over 90%. So, the unit tests cover quite a bit of code.

95% should not be quite so hard to reach, as the BuildWindowFromXmlFile tests are not implemented. Once that is done, it is expected the coverage will increase to 95%.

After that, 100% will be reachable !

See the coverage information at link
or historical data at link (0 comments)
Posted by
Wed, 25 Jun 2003 15:33:34 GMT
Builder is not a concrete class anymore
Well, due to ease of testing, the Builder implementation is now an interface. The concrete implementation is now in DefaultBuilder.

This eases testing and allows us to test the ValidateFile and BuildWindowFromXmlFile.

The changes are in CVS and will be released shortly in JGB 0.7a. (0 comments)
Posted by
Wed, 25 Jun 2003 02:31:32 GMT

Java Gui Builder Project Home


The Java Gui Builder program is designed to decouple the GUI building code from the rest of the application code, without hand-writing code. It allows one to describe the layout of windows and controls using an XML file. A full DTD was written to allow on-the-fly validation.

Using an XML file to describe GUI components allows users the flexibility to rewrite their windows so that they suit their needs, without opening up the innards of the program to the users.

This project is still in it's infancy. You may download the Latest Version on You can also look at the tutorials that are provided. They form a core upon which you can extend to create your own Java Gui Builder GUI layout description files.

Where to go from here ?

Well, that depends on how you work. You might want to check the Simple Window Tutorial, or the JavaDoc API documentation might be more appropriate for you.

Finally, there is always the option of downloading the Latest Version and going from there. All documentation and sample XML files are included in the distribution. There are also source distributions that contain the whole source tree.


This project is distributed under the General Public License. Check the license abstract.

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